You’d Like to Be a BuzzFeed Post Vol.1

by Nate

As much as I hate the shallow vacuous and image saturated “blogs” or “news sources”, I gave my best shot at creating a narrative with images. It’s been fun writing on BuzzFeed but that’s not exactly what makes me tick. Here’s the last post I wrote on Ian McKellen.

Ian McKellen Tells Gay People To Come Out The VICIOUS Way

McKellen embraced COMING OUT at Buzzfeed Brews, subtle and powerful but his character as an elderly GAY man on the ITV show VICIOUS would have done it VERY differently!

1. This is what Sir Ian said…

.. but It’s not that easy!

2. There are men who are gay but … they get married and have kids!!


… we know…

3. They live like vampires …

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4. They do coz they feel like they have no choice … and we are listening

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… do go on

5. … hours later, we realize they are scared to hurt the people they love

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6. Or they think they’d be disowned .. “DISOWNED”

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Disowned, meaning family that they thought would love them unconditionally would want nothing to do with them IF they INSIST on being gay, which makes it all THEIR fault coz they CHOOSE to hurt their families. Faced by the possibility that they won’t be loved (by the family) again, they give in.

7. … so, largely, it’s … fear

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… fear to live in an honest life and therefore, they try to convince themselves that they are HAPPY!

8. BUT, Sir Ian McKellen knows best!!

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… it’s fine to cry a little

9. The fact that you’ve been lying all your life to yourself and worse, the future innocent and ignorant wife and kids!

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… sorry, a bit too harsh … i take that back… it’s true, you need to be ready and face tremendous risks

10. but when you ARE ready

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11. AND we will be like …

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12. compared to your “girlfriends”, you realize …

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13. we say: “Would you mind if we touched your gorgeous buttocks?”, and you say

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14. You’d be dancing shamelessly to Kylie Minogue and Madonna

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You are Spinning Around, You are doing the Locomotion, You Get Into the Groove, you are a LUCKY STAR coz being gay is FABULOUS!!

15. For any of you that wants to join the big family and help the less fortunate battle their struggles and political conditions by COMING OUT


Love Yourself and Live an Honest Life! Thank you Sir Ian McKellen!!!

So, what did you think? I honestly don’t have the intention to do another one of those. Please don’t throw away your weekend Guardian Magazine. See ya!